左轉右轉靠邊停 一次搞懂方向英文

您所在的位置:网站首页 left turn和turn left 左轉右轉靠邊停 一次搞懂方向英文

左轉右轉靠邊停 一次搞懂方向英文

2024-02-26 00:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

點閱次數: 10,113

聽從指示 Following Directions



為了不再左右亂分,阿傑趕緊複習幾個常用的道路指標(road sign),包含直行(go straight)、左轉(turn left / make a left turn)、右轉(turn right / make a right turn)、迴轉(make a U-turn)、靠右(keep right)和靠左(keep left)行駛等。要是聽不清楚或不確定的時候,別忘了趕緊和對方再次確認。



Go straight. Make a left turn. Turn right. Make a U-turn. Keep right. Keep left.




了解方向指示的英文其實還不夠應付對話,還得知道一些地點的描述,像是紅綠燈(traffic light)、十字路口(intersection)、街區(block)和轉角(corner)等,再搭配方向指示的動作,才能聽懂乘客到底要去哪!若顧客指示較慢時,自己也可以主動詢問「接下來呢?」(And now? / What’s next?)。





Jay: Hi, where to? Passenger: Sorry, I forgot to bring the address, but I can give you directions. Jay: OK, no problem! Passenger: Go straight and turn right at the second intersection. Jay: And now? Passenger: OK, keep left and make a U-turn at the next traffic light. Now stay in the right lane and slow down a little. We’re almost there. OK, just pull over at the 7-11, thanks. 句型延伸演練 指示方向1:Go straight and turn (左/右) at (轉彎處) . → 直走後在全家商店右轉。 ___________________________________________. → 直走後在第一個巷子(alley)左轉。_________________________________________. 指示方向2:Keep (左/右) and make a (左/右/迴轉) at (轉彎處) . → 靠右然後在SOGO百貨公司右轉。 ________________________________________________________. → 靠左然後在誠品書局左轉。 ______________________________________________________. 指示方向3:Stay in/on (某車道/道路) and slow down a little. We’re almost there. → 留在這條車道然後開慢點,我們快到了。 __________________________________________________________. → 留在這條路上然後開慢點,我們快到了。 __________________________________________________________. 請對方靠邊停車:Just pull over (停車處) , thanks. → 在這裡停車,謝謝。__________________________________________________. → 在飯店前停車,謝謝。________________________________________________.


指示方向1:Go straight and turn (左/右) at (轉彎處) . → 直走後在全家商店右轉。 Go straight and turn right at the Family Mart. → 直走後在第一個巷子(alley)左轉。Go straight and turn left at the first alley. 指示方向2:Keep (左/右) and make a (左/右/迴轉) at (轉彎處) . → 靠右然後在SOGO百貨公司右轉。 Keep right and make a right turn at SOGO department store. → 靠左然後在誠品書局左轉。 Keep left and make a left turn at Eslite bookstore. 指示方向3:Stay in/on (某車道/道路) and slow down a little. We’re almost there. → 留在這條車道然後開慢點,我們快到了。 Stay in this lane and slow down a little. We’re almost there. → 留在這條路上然後開慢點,我們快到了。 Stay on this road and slow down a little. We’re almost there. 請對方靠邊停車:Just pull over (停車處), thanks. → 在這裡停車,謝謝。Just pull over here, thanks. → 在飯店前停車,謝謝。Just pull over in front of the hotel, thanks. 文/陳超明、湯琦均




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